The Mommy Consultant Method

After years of working with moms, I noticed that being a mommy is a job and I have several proven strategies to help you navigate the life of being a mom.

Are you ready to change your mommy life?

When my daughter was born I was struggling to find myself and apply strategies to create the best life for me.

I wanted to change how I approached mommyhood because I knew life could pass me by and I wouldn't be able to focus on being the mom I knew I wanted to be.

Once I applied a new mindset and practiced strategies I found I could slow down and focus on my dreams and mommyhood.

I also saw years of clients use this method to become more mindful and connected to who they want to be.

You are here because you want something to change from the overwhelm and mommy guilt in your life and this method will help you move through that.


Example Curriculum

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